The film at the heart of the project followed an unnamed protagonist as they ventured through a series of video game inspired worlds collecting LoL inspired blue crystals - eventually reaching their maximum gaming potential.
Coke Ultimate was created as a celebration of the small achievements in video games. It was important that games saw themselves in this role. And we wanted to do all of this at Coke scale with a streamlined user journey.
To achieve this we created a sophisticated technology pipeline that utilized a variety of cutting edge technologies - “One Shot” deep fake technology, AI generated avatars, a custom cloud computing stack, and a super cinematic WebGL experience.
The end result was a sophisticated backend pipeline, architected specifically for this experience. More importantly, it was effortless for the end user, asking them only to upload a single selfie and be rewarded with an exciting experience and an elevated digital takeaway.
One of the historical limitations of deepfake technology is that the source footage introduces some limitations in how the final person is represented in the film, across a range of ethnicities and gender. The magic in the project was seeing yourself in the film in a believable way, so it was paramount that we developed a solution that would expand on the technology and improve upon this fundamental issue.
Age Limited Experience
For ethical reasons a decision was made to not capture the likeness of anyone under the age of 18, but we wanted to deliver an equally engaging experience for that younger demographic. To solve for this, we created pre-rendered deep fakes using LoL inspired avatars, instead of the user’s image. We created a library of AI generated portraits representing a wide cross section of gamers. We then used a separate AI pipeline to animate these still faces and give them more realism via subtle facial movements.
The site was launched and promoted globally across N. America, LATAM, Africa and Asia, and localized to more than 10 languages, with individual markets activating special events and promotions to drive fans to the site.